

October 17, 2017

Stel­lar smashups are the source of #gold, #plat­inum, #uranium & other heavy el­e­ments found through-out the uni­verse

Quite incredible.  Now the question is, how do they go from there to depositing themselves throughout the earth in different geologic conditions and settings?

Can someone explain?

"As­tronomers scan­ning rip­ples in space-time have de­tected the col­lision of two neu­tron stars for the first time—and, by an­a­lyz­ing the flare from the cat­a­clysmic crush, dis­cov­ered such stel­lar smashups are the source of gold, plat­inum, uranium and other heavy el­e­ments found through-out the uni­verse."

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